Growth Mindset...whatever that is and why it is helpful
So a growth mindset, so what is it? It's the first time I'm hearing about this, and probably the same for you too. Although, although some gruesome research and listening to boring videos I'm here with confidence to tell you exactly what it is, and why it can be helpful for you.
So without further ado, let us begin!
A part of what it means |
So what is it really? Well to sum it all up; it basically means people who have an understanding of developing their talents further than those with a fixed mindset. These people with such a headset grow through hard work, effective strategies and the help of others.
According to the research of Carol Dweck, a growth mindset derives from the power and belief that you can improve. Through your own failures, you can drive yourself to better yourself, so that you can overcome your dilemma.
In the video, she provided an example of a high school in Chicago, where the students are required to pass a number of courses. Those that do graduate, while those that fail one of them are graded "Not Yet". It sounds harsh, perhaps on the same level as the term Failed, or a big fat F on the top-right corner of your paper, but to Carol, it was a great thing to hear. For her, it was an opportunity, a learning curve that she called, that has provided the person with a path to the future, a chance to further improve themselves.
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Yet, people present with those difficulties, tend to react differently to the problem. Carol's study also highlighted the probability, or likeliness, of a person's response to challenges. Some would favour cheating the next time in a test, others would find someone who did worst just to make themselves feel good, and some even run from the problem. Honestly, from reading this, is probably something that many of us would do, even something that I would do.
It's human nature for us to run away from our problems. It's like a fight-and-flight kind of sense, and we're just flying from the problems.
Which makes us ask ourselves; whether that applies to us right now or in the future; How will we raise our kids? Are we raising them with the belief of achieving the As? Aren't we not inspiring them to reach further than themselves? We want them to achieve the big marks, yet are they carrying that drive of affirmation?
So what can be done? What challenges can I put myself in, to further develop my mindset? Firstly, we need to rethink the whole concept of "Challenge". Carol's aim is to reevaluate the term "Challenge", and make it the new comfort zone.
So what's the best way of achieving this reality?
There are various ways that we can achieve this goal. Firstly, praising wisely. We need to stop with rebuking our children because they didn't achieve the marks that you want them to achieve or something that they did wrong. Instead, we need to start encouraging them, we need to support their efforts, their focus, their perseverance, get them to further improve themselves.
We also need to start helping them fulfil their potential. We need to encourage them to further develop their intelligence, their abilities, we need to promote their potential to a higher level. We need to push them out of their comfort zone, in an encouraging way of course, into a zone where they can truly bring out the best of themselves.
Gotta make you entertained somehow... |
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