My Game Idea research for my game!

So now that we have laid out possible game ideas for the project itself, it is time to chose one of these ideas and perform some well-thought-out brainstorms on my chosen idea. After careful consideration from my four proposed ideas, I have decided to choose to do my game project on a hack' and 'slash type game. From the three possible game concepts suggested, I think I'll stick with the Epic of Gilgamesh game idea. Mainly because I love mythology.

In this blog, I'll be discussing three possible game mechanics for my game and how I can utilise them for the project.

Game Mechanics

To start us off, we need to ask ourselves, what are game mechanics? Firstly we must understand another term that is important as game mechanics; gameplay. What is the gameplay? According to an article titled; Beginner’s Guide to Game Mechanics , the gameplay is essentially how the player interacts with the game. Game mechanics provide gameplay by providing constructive methods or rules designed for the player.

Now that we have an idea on what game mechanics are, we can now ask the question; what three mechanics could I possible implement into my game? What features could I add into my game? After careful thinking on this topic, I was able to think of three mechanics that I could implement into the game.

These mechanics are; a combat system, a weapon system and finally an elemental system

Fistly, the combat system of the game. Since it's a hack and slash type of game, the combat system will focus primarily on utilising melee weapons. However, it'll also include the usage of a bow, since the Character in my game; Gilgamesh according to lore used a bow as one of his weapons. For the combat system, each weapon would be unique that they have their own strengths and weaknesses and their own combat styles that'll come with them. i.e. the sword is balanced in terms of speed, whilst a hammer is powerful but slow to swing. I also want to make the combat in the game fluid and realistic as possible.

Second game mechanic that Im' thinking of implementing into the game would be a weapon system. This is where the weapons for my character would come in. These weapons are primarily melee weapons and are different from each other. Each weapon would be different and have their uses depending on the situation. I also wish to add a damage type mechanic for the weapons. This is basically applying different types of damage. i.e. magic damage, fire damage. This is to help give clarity and function to each of the weapons.

The damage type mechnic would also be applied to enemies in the game. 

The third game mechanic that Im thinking of implementing into the game is an elemental system. My idea for this system would be for the game to be reactive to the elements. To clarify and give examples, there'd be objects in the game that'll react to fire, rain or wet areas would allows electricity to be more deadly, etc. In short, the environment would be reactive to the elements; whether it'd be from weapons or from enemies.

Sources: Combat Mechanics: Defining Hack and Slash, Hack and Slash Features, Melee weapon System, What is Hack and SlashHow to make hack and slash game mechanics


  1. Hey Ron! Great blog on the game mechanics you want to include in your game. It all sounds really exciting and would love to try your game once your finished. It also seems like it's gonna be a bit of a difficult project but I'm sure you can pull it off in the end! Looking forward to hearing more about your progress!


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