Unity Tutorial 03
For this week's Unity Tutorial we learned about World design - particularly Tilemaps. We learned how to create a tilemap, then a new tile and assigning a sprite to that tile. Then, we placed our tiles into a Tile Pallete so that we'd be able to paint our tilemap. We also learned how to slice our sprites into separate cells to be able to make more complicated paints.
Tilemapping is pain... |
If there is one thing that I found so annoying and difficult from doing this particular unity task it was slicing the sprite within the sprite editor. Whenever I tried to slice a tile, the button to do so wasn't clicking. I tried again and again with no success and it was through some help on Reddit that I was able to solve the slice button problem. Turns out you need to change the Sprite Mode from single to multiple in order to get it to work.
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