Unity Tutorial 04
In my quest of catching up with the Unity Tutorials, I have done the 4th Unity Tutorial out of the 15. This unity tutorial is about decorating the world.
Took a while to figure Prefab but got there in the end |
In terms of doing this tutorial, there wasn't much difficulty with doing it besides one; the Prefabs. The Prefab is where you make a GameObject with all its components and settings into an Asset. Implementing the GameObject into the Prefab folder was easy. The hard part was trying to duplicate everything without needing to place another of the same object into the prefab.
Once I've figured out how to duplicate the object, it was an easy job from there as I duplicate and sorted the objects that I used for the world.
One critic that I could say for this tutorial is more animated gifs could be used to help people where each function is. That way it'll be less stressing and easier, especially for new beginners.
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